• I will start by getting to know you, your goals and expectations that you would like to achieve. Then, after a starting point analysis, I will use neuromuscular biofeedback to establish priority areas needing support through intuition and the BodyTalk questioning technique. Once all the information is gathered there are various methods used to re-synchronise and/or release the priority areas (including tapping and breathing). Each session is completely individualised to you. It is healthcare designed by your body.

  • You only need to fill in your details and consent to the session. If you do not feel comfortable disclosing any other details, you do not have to. I am not guided by your answers on the form. These are used as a guided measure for the changes you feel after the session. I do request you think about the questions, even if you choose not answer them. This brings awareness to your session and what you may like to achieve from it.

  • There is no specific way you should be feeling after a session. Each session is different and each person experiences it differently, because it is completely individual.

    Following a session clients often experience an increased energy and drive, feelings of emotional contentment and peace, better sleep quality and less pain or physical discomfort.

  • I am guided by your body-mind for speed, agenda and priority in each session. There are times when a specific concern may take one session, however I suggest starting with three sessions to experience the shifts you want to start achieving.

    Each session chips away at what is stopping you reaching your full potential, often these are unconscious layers, which suddenly fall away.

  • Each session is individualised and depending on your sensitivity you may notice these results immediately or gradually over time.

    The different processes allow the body’s healing abilities to effect long-lasting, ongoing improvements in the various aspects of your body-mind, rather than only short-term symptomatic relief. Often the full effects are only noticeable after a week or month from the session. The changes often ripple through you and you may not even noticed them until you refer back to your original starting point.

  • There are 3 appointment options:

    In person appointments are held in a private room at a local Wellness Centre.

    Online appointments will be held over video call. If you have a video call session, it is best to be somewhere quiet where you can sit or lie down and relax.

    Distance appointments - You don't need to be available at the time of your appointment. I will send an audio file of the balancing to listen to whenever it suits.

  • You may be exceptionally busy or cannot get our diaries to align, but you still want the amazing benefits?

    A distance session is similar to an in-person session. Instead of the session being done face-to-face (in-person or video call) you can carry on with life while I do the session remotely and you listen to a voice recording at your own convenience afterwards.

    The recording itself is usually around 20 minutes. However the total time spent in the session is still 50 minutes.

  • It is just as effective as an in-person or an online session. This is a great option for people who are short on time or living in different time zones.

  • BodyTalk uses concepts from quantum physics, where quantum entanglement links quantum particles together, no matter how far apart they are in space or time. Changes that are seen in one will reflect in the connected particle(s) almost instantaneously. The particles behave as one, no matter the distance, which is known as “non-locality”. This is demonstrated when one twin feels the other twin's pain but is nowhere near them, or you “just have a feeling” you need to call someone and they have been thinking of you too.

    Through training I operate where there is a deconstruction of the physical body down to particles and ultimately the energy and frequency within those particles. Everything and everyone has its own unique energy frequency. Using the concept of non-locality together with your “energy fingerprint” distance session are able to be done.

  • You must have permission from the person who is having the session before booking.

    You may book for children (that you are responsible for) without permission, if they are under 16 years old.

  • Absolutely!